Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Magic Seeds - Exploring E Day moved to F Day (Thursday)

This was our morning message.

We read about Strega Nona's magic seeds and what made them grow faster and bigger.

We worked in partners to write magic words to help our plants grow faster.

We read our magic words to the plants and blew kisses.  Ask your KC kid how many kisses we blew.  We now have to wait...back to that thing called patience!

We examined our plants and wrote in our planting logs.

A few plants have sprouted!!

When we return from the library, we always find a comfy spot to read.
We didn't swim today because the pool is broken.  We'll keep our fingers crossed for the next D day.

Exploring E day has been moved to Thursday (F day - Fantastic Findings F Day)
We are hoping for better weather on Thursday.  
Dress down clothes - layers are recommended.

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