Thursday, April 28, 2011

Magic Bean Stalks ~ Word Problems

We read two additional Jack in the Beanstalk stories.  One was similar to the stories yesterday, but the other was from the giant's wife point of view.  It was very interesting.  Ask your KC kid about that version.  After reading the story, we made magic bean stalks.

We measured the length of the "grown" bean stalk.

Jack is almost to the top of this bean stalk!

We worked on word problems in math.  In this example, we might say:  2 donkeys were in the barn - it was raining, so 1 cow joined them - now 3 animals were all together in the barn.  Each student told their own story using a barn and a tree as the setting.  We say "all together" for addition, and we say "were left" for subtraction.

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