Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Samantha! ~ Wedding ~ Math Games

Happy Birthday, Samantha!

In honor of CA's 100th birthday, the second graders danced us through the decades during Assembly.

It was Royal Wedding day in KC.  We made tea sandwiches.

We made crowns.

We created invitations.

Sandwiches are ready to go!

After lunch, we watched some videos of the Royal Wedding.

We played math games in the afternoon.

Proud Jenga Moment!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Magic Bean Stalks ~ Word Problems

We read two additional Jack in the Beanstalk stories.  One was similar to the stories yesterday, but the other was from the giant's wife point of view.  It was very interesting.  Ask your KC kid about that version.  After reading the story, we made magic bean stalks.

We measured the length of the "grown" bean stalk.

Jack is almost to the top of this bean stalk!

We worked on word problems in math.  In this example, we might say:  2 donkeys were in the barn - it was raining, so 1 cow joined them - now 3 animals were all together in the barn.  Each student told their own story using a barn and a tree as the setting.  We say "all together" for addition, and we say "were left" for subtraction.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jack in the Beanstalk ~ Library ~ Bulletin Board

We read two similar versions of Jack and the Beanstalk and then "planted" some beans.  We'll see how they sprout in the next few days.

We had a lock-down drill this morning.  We watched a video about plants during the drill.  After it was over, we went to the library.  We always come back from the library and use the last couple of minutes before recess to read our new books.

The bulletin board is starting to bloom.  We'll post more pictures when it is in full bloom.  This is my favorite bulletin board of the year.  You'll have to stop by to check it out.

The pool was ready for swimming today!  Tomorrow will be another Jack in the Beanstalk day.  Ask your KC kid how today's books were similar.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Growing ~ Shape Search

We continued working on the flowers for the K bulletin board.

The petals and center are almost in place.

Most of our plants are growing, but we have a few that didn't sprout.  We keep checking for growth and change, and we write about it in our journals.

Our flowers are ready for the bulletin board.  We'll post pictures when everything is up.

We had a shape search at the end of the day.  The class looked around the room for cubes, spheres, and cylinders.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Growing Bulletin Board ~ Indoor Recess ~ Wheel of Fortune

We painted and colored paper this morning.  This paper will become the flowers for our Growing bulletin board.

You should have heard the cheers when indoor recess was announced!  I guess the class isn't sick of the rain, but I sure am!

We played Wheel of Fortune in the afternoon.

We also had Drama this morning.  It was a fun-filled, packed day!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Magical Day ~ Plants ~ 4th Grade Buddies

Bill Boaz (Ms Boaz's nephew) put on an amazing magic show for the Lower School this morning.

We tried to guess the card that Katie pulled from the deck, but he wasn't quite right.  He clarified that he drew a deck of cards, not just her card.

He then "pulled" her card from behind the first one.  We're not sure how he pulled the second one out because it was a drawing...right?  Bill is from Cleveland, but he comes to town each summer to teach at the CA summer camp.  Check out the CA summer camp guide to see when he'll be here.

We planted lettuce, thyme, basil, dill, and chives.

Our grass and mystery plants are starting to grow!

We will also meet with our 4th grade buddies at the end of the day to work on an art project together.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


We made worms yesterday before we left.

Sooo happy that we moved our outdoor day!  We took a long walk this morning.

We walked into the woods and heard birds singing, a woodpecker, and mowing.

At the pond, we heard frogs and saw geese.

We walked through the fields.

The farm fields were bare this spring.

In the afternoon, we planted flowers in the Kinder-Garden.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wormy Day!

We each got a "pet" worm to observe this morning.

Did you know that worms don't have eyes, ears, or noses?  Worms eat their way through the ground and make the soil better for plants.

We used magnifying glasses to observe closely.

We wrote our observations in our journals.

Tracing the wiggly worms was interesting.

Some people just loved playing with them - actually many loved playing with them.  Check out KC Photos for all (over 70) the wormy pictures!

We walked them to the Kinder-garden that is part of our playground.

The worms are in their new homes.
Remember - Dress down tomorrow for our Exploring E Day rain day!  Dress for the weather because we're going outside!