Monday, May 9, 2011

Wood Working ~ Chicken Egg Link ~ First Grade

Mr. Cicetti had the class wood working today.  Everyone loved it.  The pictures will be posted on KC Photos.

There is a new link on the blog.  Click on the K Science Chick Eggs Link on the right side to watch the eggs.

The K students visited the 1st grade classrooms and teachers today.  Each 1st grade teacher had about 5 minutes to say hello and tell a few things about first grade.  Here is what the class remembered about the visit:

There will be homework Monday - Thursday, but not Friday
They will need to read 15 minutes a night
Some of the teachers stay the whole day and some stay 1/2 a day
There aren't any water fountains in the rooms
There aren't any bathrooms in the rooms
There is a lizard in one of the rooms
There are math books
There are passes for restroom, nurse, and drinks
The 1st grade students don't rest
The 1st grade students have DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) or Chill time

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