Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Chain ~ Table Tops ~ Wax Museum ~ Math

The first picture is of our edible food chain.  The sunflower seeds are the plankton.  The goldfish are the small fish.  The cracker is the larger fish.  Avery is the largest thing in our food chain -  who gets to eat everything!  The second picture is the fabulous marble run that was built this morning.

Food Web or Food Chain

The class has a good understanding of the ocean food web.

We visited the third grade Wax Museum this morning.  Each third grader selected a historical figure to research and present.  Arman's brother, Sean, researched and then become Jimmy Carter.

We are working with attribute blocks and sorting them according to their attributes. Here they are sorted by shape.  We also sorted them by color, size, and thickness.

Math games were also available.

Students could also sort shells and use them for patterns.

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