Thursday, March 31, 2011


We read a few manatee books and made manatees.

We played math games.

We copied the ocean words that were posted around the room into our dictionaries.

Check out all the manatee pictures in KC photos.

Zoo Trip Tomorrow!
Pack a lunch - no straws, everything disposable
Dress for the weather - should be better than the last few days :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Big Is A Foot?

We read this book today.  The king wanted to give the queen a bed for her birthday, but they had problems figuring out how big the bed should be.  Ask your KC kid how they ended up measuring to make the bed.

We measured our own feet and cut them out.

One Adeti foot

We used our "feet" to measure people and things around the room.

Today also included:  math workshop (calculators, greater than or less than, and math games), Math Groups, and a very snowy fire drill. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bedtime Routines ~ Words and Building

We read Mortimer and then wrote about our bedtime routines.

The bottom of the cups have letters written on them.  They made words first, and then they stacked them. 

We have new table tops - watercolor painting, playing kitchen, bristol blocks, and books.

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Tables ~ Reading Workshop

We have new seat assignments.

During reading workshop, we got new reading books, worked on the word 'some', the short /o/ sound, and word families.  We read two books by Robert Munsch and wrote about spring break.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Please remember to send back:

* swimsuits

* snow pants or large sweat pants to help us through the season of mud

* snow boots or rain boots if your child no longer has any boots at school  

* art smocks

Friday, March 11, 2011

Estimation Jar

Robert brought crayons in the estimation jar.  There were 268 crayons!

We taped the Phonics Dance, and I am trying to add it to the blog.  I'll email when it is loaded.  We usually play Lexia on E days, but today we had free choice.  Everyone was excited!

Have a great spring break!  
We'll see you on Monday, March 28.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Early Swim ~ 4th Grade Musical ~ Octopus Videos

We swam first thing in the morning with KA.  It was beach day, which is always a favorite day in swimming.

We watched the 4th grade musical called A Kid's Life.   The kids aren't able to use their techno gadgets and have to learn to have fun from grandma and grandpa.  It was awesome to see our 4th grade buddies on stage.  The final performance is tonight at 7pm.

The octopus videos that we watched are now on the blog.  The third one really is an amazing video of the octopus's camouflage ability.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Octopuses and Octodogs ~ Ocean Words

It was octopus day!  We read about octopuses, watched a few videos, and ate octodogs. Here is a picture of the octodog maker and an octodog. 
We listed and illustrated the steps to make an octodog.  These how to writings will be hanging outside of our door.
How to make an octodog!
These are the ocean words that the class wanted to add to their dictionaries.
Each word is now illustrated and hanging around the room.

In math, we measured the length of sharks.  Some sharks are 3 feet long, and some are 30 feet long!  We also sequenced our morning routines.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Star Student Robert ~ Sharks! ~ Doodle Stories

Robert is our Star Student this week.  Tacos are his favorite food.  He wants to play football someday, and he likes to play Legos.
We read a few more books about sharks.  We made sharks and other ocean animals using tangrams.
We had a lot of fun making paper sharks.
Scary Shark Faces!
We created three doodle stories before heading to P.E.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sharks and Mardi Gras

Cool Towers During Table Tops
The class read about sharks and then made a shark.  Here is the body being cut out.
Shark Parts
Shark Parts
Here is one side...
and the other.
Charlie's mom and brother visited the class to explain how their family celebrates Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday.
They gave us beads, we danced, and we ate cake.  It was a fun way to end the day!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Chain ~ Table Tops ~ Wax Museum ~ Math

The first picture is of our edible food chain.  The sunflower seeds are the plankton.  The goldfish are the small fish.  The cracker is the larger fish.  Avery is the largest thing in our food chain -  who gets to eat everything!  The second picture is the fabulous marble run that was built this morning.

Food Web or Food Chain

The class has a good understanding of the ocean food web.

We visited the third grade Wax Museum this morning.  Each third grader selected a historical figure to research and present.  Arman's brother, Sean, researched and then become Jimmy Carter.

We are working with attribute blocks and sorting them according to their attributes. Here they are sorted by shape.  We also sorted them by color, size, and thickness.

Math games were also available.

Students could also sort shells and use them for patterns.