Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Turtle Story

We read a few more turtle books and shared what we had learned about turtles.  We used our knowledge to write a class story.  Our turtle story is below:

One day a mommy turtle was laying her eggs and there were people coming near her.  Then they told other people and they knew where the nest was.  The turtle made a hissing sound to tell the people to go away.  The mommy turtle was burying her eggs.   The ghost crab dug and dug and got to the eggs.  Just then, the eggs hatched.  The egg tooth helped the baby turtles hatch.  One ghost crab came and ate one baby turtle.  The rest of the turtles used their flippers and pushed to the ocean.  They swam to the seaweed.  They grew bigger.  When they were grown, they came back to that beach where they were born and laid their own eggs.

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