Monday, February 28, 2011

Blocks & People ~ Plankton

Our block builders and students playing with people combined forces this morning.

We watched a plankton video, looked at plankton pictures, and then created plankton for our oceans.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Turtle Story

We read a few more turtle books and shared what we had learned about turtles.  We used our knowledge to write a class story.  Our turtle story is below:

One day a mommy turtle was laying her eggs and there were people coming near her.  Then they told other people and they knew where the nest was.  The turtle made a hissing sound to tell the people to go away.  The mommy turtle was burying her eggs.   The ghost crab dug and dug and got to the eggs.  Just then, the eggs hatched.  The egg tooth helped the baby turtles hatch.  One ghost crab came and ate one baby turtle.  The rest of the turtles used their flippers and pushed to the ocean.  They swam to the seaweed.  They grew bigger.  When they were grown, they came back to that beach where they were born and laid their own eggs.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Turtle Day!

This was our morning question.  They did an awesome job of showing and telling us where turtles are found.

We read two books about turtles and used the books to research how turtle shells look. 

These fabulous turtles are coming home today!

You will notice that some of the turtles are tagged.  One of our books explained that animals are tagged so that scientists can track the animals to keep learning about them.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oceans ~ Ocean Opposite Books

The Atlantic Ocean is now up.

The Pacific Ocean is up.  The Indian Ocean and Arctic Ocean will go up tomorrow.

We created ocean opposite books. 

After we create books or write, the students can listen to their stories using "telephones" or they can share their stories with a friend.

I taped Katherine reading her opposite book.  I am hoping to post it to the blog later today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jumping in the Ocean ~ Yamado! ~ Assembling Sentences

We read a book called Splash in the Ocean and then wrote books along the same theme.

Writing Books

Using a fun writing idea book, we created funny stories and illustrated them.  One illustration was on the board.

Another illustration was in the book.

The words with an illustration.

The words with a different illustration.

Story and illustration #2

Story and illustration #2

We also assembled sentences.  The sentences were made using one stick from each color.

This is the book with the writing ideas.  Each page has a doodle and a made-up word.  You create the story by adding to the doodle and using the word in the story.  Our stories and illustrations were created by teams of three.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lia ~ Waves ~ Estimation Jar

Happy Birthday, Lia

We sang an ocean song about the four oceans.

We divided into four groups or oceans and made waves.  Our room will become the ocean soon!

Charlie brought Mardi Gras necklaces in the estimation jar.  There were 15 necklaces.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Star Student Charlie ~ Ocean ~ Math

Charlie is our Star Student.  His favorite food is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  He wants to be a football player, and he is excited about having dinner with his cousins at a restaurant.
Today we dove into the ocean.  The class drew pictures of what they know about the ocean.  These pictures will be posted in the room, and we'll add additional pictures and information as we learn more.

For math today, we explored with the calculators, told number stories using the plus sign, and selected from other math options.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine Photos ~ Writing Workshop

Here are a few pictures from yesterday.  We are graphing candy.

Candy Graphs

Delivering Valentines

The Party!

We started our day with Assembly, worked on short vowels and the words 'be' & 'we' during reading, and finished the day with Art class.

We also had Writer's Workshop.  Students write silently for 5 minutes and then choose to continue writing or add an illustration.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

We are having a great day!  We graphed candy hearts, witnessed the marriage of Q & U, practiced our word wall words while tossing a bean bag, and created a Valentine story.  The party is coming up soon!!  I will take lots of picture at the party, but they won't be posted until later tonight or tomorrow.  Sorry for the delay.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Katherine ~ Valentine People ~ Writing ~ Dress Down

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Katherine!!

We read a few valentine books and made a valentine person.

We did some writing in the afternoon.

Senora used the Smartboard for Spanish class.

Valentine Person
Students are permitted to dress down on Monday to support 1st-4th grade students participating in Jump Rope for the Heart.  Students can wear full dress down - jeans, athletic pants, etc.  If students have a red top, it would be nice to wear it to support the Jump for the Heart event.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

100th Day!!

 We are having a fabulous 100th day!!  We shared and sorted our 100 collections.  We made the number 100 out of cookies.

We made crowns with 100 stamps.

We made necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal. 

Dot to dots with 100 numbers

100 Day Olympics


We estimated which jar held 100 cubes.  Ask your kc kids which one had the 100.  You might be surprised...they were!

Check out the KC Photos for all the pictures.

We also went to the pool after lunch to watch the 6th grade naval battle.  We watched a race between four of the ships.  It was very exciting!