Friday, October 29, 2010

Spooky Symmetry ~ Ms. Boaz Shares

A few Halloween pictures.  The rest will be added on Sunday.

We discussed symmetry and created spooky symmetry pictures.  

Ms. Boaz is one of the Kindergarten teachers.  She raises sheep, spins her own yarn, and knits.  She brought in her spinning wheel, supplies, and some finished clothing to share with us.  

Halloween pictures will be posted on Sunday.  I'm heading out of town immediately after school and will be back Sunday afternoon.  Sorry for the delay.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Poems ~ Halloween Safety Book ~ Color Posters

We illustrated the Halloween poems that we wrote last week.

We read a Halloween safety book.  Have fun trick or treating!!
Our color posters are up.  Everyone worked hard to create the posters.  Check them out the next time that you are here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Alex's Birthday ~ Estimating ~ Hallo-Wiener

Happy Birthday, Alex!!
We estimated the number of Legos that Connor brought to school.  We counted the Legos in groups of 10.  There were 100 Legos.

We read Hallo-Wiener. 

The students created their own wiener dogs and then created costumes for the dogs.  It was a very fun.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Star Student Connor ~ Table Tops ~ Estimating


Creating pictures was very popular this morning.

This tool bench was also a hit.

The class drew monsters on the board.

The class estimated the number of pencils that Hiba brought to school.  She made piles of tallies when she counted them.  There were 17 pencils.

Connor is our next Star of the Week.  He has a bearded dragon named Shark.  Someday he wants to be a soccer player.  He likes to build with Lincoln Logs.

Monday, October 25, 2010

KC's Walk Video

We read Rosie's Walk last week and then acted out the book.  The class created an obstacle course in the classroom, and we also visited the playground.  This is the video of our adventure.  We played it at our Assembly this morning.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Star Student Hiba ~ Exploring E Day ~ Campfire Stories

Hiba was our Student of the Week.  Her favorite food is pizza.  Her favorite book is Skippyjon Jones.  She likes to visit her cousins in Canada.
 We saw frost on the grass this morning when we hiked through the CA woods.

We used magnifying glasses to explore the soybean fields that have been harvested since we last walked around campus.

We are exploring the fields.

Soybean Fields

Robert found a hole in the ground.  We brainstormed what animal might be living in the hole and if it will hibernate for the winter. 

Every year, Mrs. Oeth and Mrs. Mullin have all of the Lower School outside for campfire stories.  We will have our campfire stories today with our 4th grade buddies.  We'll listen to stories and poems, drink hot chocolate, and eat s'mores.  These pictures will be posted over the weekend.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rosie's Walk Part 1

We read Rosie's Walk and then acted out the book.  We went out to the playground and went under, over, on top, around, and across.  We created an obstacle course in the room and went under, over, on top, around, and across.  We had a lot of fun!  Check out the post below this one for the pictures.

Slate Run Farm field trip tomorrow.
Pack a lunch and drink in disposal containers.
Dress for the weather.


Rosie's Walk

Monday, October 18, 2010

Extra Art ~ /p/ sound ~ rhymes with pig ~ piggie patterns

We had an extra art class today.  We are continuing to finish our self-portraits.

Can you guess our letter today?

A fun way to practice words that rhyme with pig.

We also made patterns out of pigs.  These will be hanging in the classroom later this week.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


We have a new poem this week.
We also went to the computer room for Lexia.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Busy Day!

Our Star Student gets to draw himself or herself on the bathroom wall.  This has been a fun tradition in KC, so the KC kids from the past few years are already there.

Block building has been fun in the mornings.

We created pumpkin pictures and wrote number stories to go with the pictures.  These projects are now hanging outside our classroom.

We graphed our favorite vegetables.

We estimated what Ethan put in the estimation jar.  
I will be at a math conference (NCTM) in Baltimore the next two days.  I hope to still blog a few things for the class, but it might not happen.  If it doesn't, have a good weekend!