Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Handprint Shirts ~ Self-Portraits ~ Faces ~ Color Posters

More Handprints
Making self-portraits with Mr. C.
Seeing what color of paper matches our skin.
Our Faces
Color Posters                  

We finished our handprint T-shirts.  It is always exciting to see the students' wear their shirts on our first field trip.

The students are creating life-sized self-portraits with the art teacher, Mr. Cicetti.  These are always fabulous!!

We matched our skin tone to construction paper and made our faces out of the paper.  We'll finish the faces later this week.

We worked on the color posters, and they look beautiful!  The posters will be hung in the room when they are finished.

Late Start tomorrow!  
School starts at 9:30.  
CASE is available starting at 7 am.

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