Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mmmm...Cookies?! (Taste)

 We read a book about a boy who tricks his parents into trying a clay cookie.  After he learns his lesson, his class makes real cookies.  We also talked about the sense of taste.

We made our own pretend cookies.

We tasted real cookies.  The cookies tasted sweet and chocolaty.  The cookies were part of Mr. Connick's Star Student sharing.

We also played a game of octopus tag.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hearing ~ Estimation Jar

We are talking about the 5 senses this week.  Today we read about hearing.  We then listened to some sounds and drew what we thought that we heard.  It was very fun!  Some things were not what we thought.

Mr. Connick put dominoes in the estimation jar since he is the Star Student this week.  Everyone looked at the jar to see how full it was before he or she estimated the number of dominoes.

Our estimates are in green above the number line.

After our estimates were written down, we counted the dominoes.  There were 33 dominoes in the jar.  The closest guess what 35.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Patterns ~ Puzzles ~ Pick Up Sticks ~ Star of Week ~ Monsters

We made patterns with Skittles.  We also ate a few Skittles at the end of the day.

We worked on number puzzles.

We learned how to play Pick Up Sticks.  Strategy games are a big part of building math thinking.

aabb pattern...what comes next?

abc pattern...what comes next?

Mr. Connick was the first Star of the Week.  He was born in Columbus, his favorite food is sushi, and someday he wants to work for Lego and visit Africa.

Our My Monster journal papers are hanging outside of the room.  If you have a chance, stop by to see our marvelous monsters.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Table Tops ~ Writing ~ Lexia


Work Bench

Building with Straws
Practicing Our Names

Journal Puzzles

We had new activities for the morning - drawing, working with tools, and building with straws.  

We are working on writing our names.  Everyone didn't get finished today because we ran out of time.  We'll finish up soon and also start some new pages.
We made journal puzzles during Writing Workshop.  The puzzles came home today.  Please practice putting the puzzle together and reading them.

We finished our day with Lexia in the computer room and  recess.
Picture Day tomorrow!  
Please send back picture forms and money.

Friday, September 24, 2010

SmartBoard in Spanish ~ Monsters ~ Poem

The class played a Spanish game with Senora Robeano.  

We read a book about monsters and then wrote about our own monsters.  All of the monster illustrations were fabulous - lots of bright colors, fierce teeth, and crazy hair!

The last picture is of the poem that we worked with this week.  We typically have a new poem each week.  We read the poem, act it out (if that is possible), look for rhymes, look for certain letters, and discover many more things.

Have a good weekend!  Check the Important Dates listed on the side of the blog for events in October.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

SmartBoard ~ Shaving Cream

Sorting Sounds using the SmartBoard

During Reading Workshop, we reviewed letter sounds by playing an online game where we sorted pictures according to their beginning letter sound.  This game is now available on the blog.

We practiced writing letters in shaving cream.  We read a book about being positive and discussed how we can make good choices.    

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Table Tops ~ Busy Day

There were new table tops to explore.  We played in the sand, played in the water, created with gears, and opened a restaurant.  It was a fun start to the day.

  We also read a book about skin.  We get our skin color from our family, from the sun, and from melanin (tiny grains of coloring that are in the skin).  If you have dark skin, the melanin is very active.  If you have light skin, the melanin in your body is not very busy.  Freckles are spots that have a lot of melanin.  

We also had a busy afternoon with Science, Spanish, and P.E.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Handprint Shirts ~ Self-Portraits ~ Faces ~ Color Posters

More Handprints
Making self-portraits with Mr. C.
Seeing what color of paper matches our skin.
Our Faces
Color Posters                  

We finished our handprint T-shirts.  It is always exciting to see the students' wear their shirts on our first field trip.

The students are creating life-sized self-portraits with the art teacher, Mr. Cicetti.  These are always fabulous!!

We matched our skin tone to construction paper and made our faces out of the paper.  We'll finish the faces later this week.

We worked on the color posters, and they look beautiful!  The posters will be hung in the room when they are finished.

Late Start tomorrow!  
School starts at 9:30.  
CASE is available starting at 7 am.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Color Posters ~ Handprint T-shirts

Color Posters
Handprint T-shirts

We started making color posters to go on our walls.  We'll add the color words when the posters are complete.  

We also started our handprint t-shirts.  We got through half of the class today and will finish with the other half tomorrow.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Talk Like A Pirate Day ~ Table Top Pictures

Enjoying Dress-up
Fabulous Lego Creations
Beautiful Art
Pirate Maps and the Treasure
We found the treasure!
What's inside?
Wow!  Glow bracelets and Ho Ho's!

We had a great end to our week!!
Sunday is "Talk Like A Pirate Day", but we got into the fun today.  We read pirate books, followed a buried treasure map, discovered the treasure, and enjoyed the loot!

Everyone also enjoyed this week's table top activities - Legos, dress-up, and painting.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


We read a book about a little boy and the fun things that he liked to do with his mother.  As a follow-up activity, the students painted pictures of what they like to do with their families.  They cut the pictures into puzzles and tried to put their pictures back together.  The puzzles came home tonight.  See if you can figure out what your child likes to do with you!