Monday, January 31, 2011

Table Tops ~ Snowflakes

Playing Games





We made snowflakes out of pipe cleaners.

We suspended the snowflakes in a Borax solution.

We are growing snowflakes!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Telling Time ~ Rhymes ~ Pattern

Earlier in the week, we read a fun storybook, What Time Is It, Mr. Crocodile?, that introduced time.  During table tops, some of the boys got the clocks and the book back out.

We have a new poem.  The class noticed that some of the words in the poem rhyme.  We put red squares around the 'op' words and circles around the 'ot' words.

We had a tricky calendar pattern.  Can your KC kid explain the pattern to you?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Exploring E Day - January

We went outside twice.  We wanted to make a snowman, but the snow wasn't good for packing.  Instead, we made snow angels.

We made patterns and wrote words in the snow.


We used the snowman supplies to make snowman drawings.  We used the carrots for the noses and decorated with bird seed.

We took a walk after lunch.  We stopped by a creek to see what was in it.

We listened to a story.

We wore the class out!!

Tomorrow is a pep rally.  
Students can wear CA t-shirts or regular uniform tops.  
Students must wear uniform bottoms.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gavin's 1/2 Birthday ~ Estimation ~ Exploration E Day/Pep Assembly

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Gavin!

Gavin brought markers in the estimation jar.  After we each estimated how many we thought were in the jar, we counted the markers by 2's.  There were 44 markers.

Remember - tomorrow is dress down day for Exploration E Day.  We will go outside, so please dress your child for the weather.

We have a pep rally on Friday.  Students are permitted to wear "spirit wear" (any Columbus Academy t-shirts, etc.) from the waist up and regular dress code from the waist down.  Of course, regular dress code from head to toe is always fine. 


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Star Student Gavin ~ Writing Stories ~ Snow!

Gavin is our Star of the Week.  His favorite food is corn.  He is excited about riding his 4 wheeler, and he wants to be a wrestler.

The class did a lot of writing today.  Some stories were written on white boards, some stories were written in books, and some were written on paper.

What's a great way to start our unit on snow - sledding!!  Check out all the pictures on KC Photos.  

Remember - Thursday is Exploring E Day.  We'll be outside a few times during the day.  The students will put on all of their snow gear, but everyone should also come dressed for the weather.  It is a dress down day.  Dress in layers!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chinese Dancers ~ Parade ~ Math Page

The Kindergarten classes got together to watch two OSU students perform Chinese dances.  The Chinese women are studying at OSU and minoring in dance.

One woman danced the first dance alone.  She used a fan as a dance prop.

The women then danced together for the final dance.

We made Chinese puppets a few weeks ago.  We paraded our puppets around the room while Chinese music played.

We completed a math page this afternoon where we counted to 50 using tallies (groups of 5) and then counted to 20 using pairs of mittens (counting by 2s).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

4th Grade Buddies ~ Estimation Jar

We met with our 4th grade buddies today.  We shared some of our work, drew pictures, and played games.  The pictures have been added to KC Photos.

Lia brought 134 counters or disks in the estimation jar.  Some of the disks were counted into straight lines of 10 and some were counted into piles of 10.  It was interesting to compare what 10 looked like in a line vs. a pile.  There were 7 piles of 10 (or 70 counters) and 6 lines of 10 with 4 singles (64 counters).  We then discussed which group had more, the piles or the lines.  Ask your KC student if they remember.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'at' Words ~ Star Student Lia ~ Chinese Festival Day

We are 'at' experts!!  Look at all the 'at' words that we know.  This resource is now in the room for spelling and reading help.
Lia is our Star of the Week.  Her favorite food is sushi.  She is excited about her tooth falling out.  She wants to ride in a horse show someday, and she likes to ski.

This is our last week of studying China, so the K classes have a culminating activity which we call our Chinese Festival.  Each classroom celebrates with a different activity.  The students made hacky sacks or shuttlecocks in KC.

They played a memory game in KA.

They played BINGO in KB.

They made panda puppets in KD.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Charlie's Birthday ~ Table Tops ~ The Cat in the Hat

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Cool Creations during Table Tops

Sand Fun

We read the The Cat in the Hat and The Cat in the Hat Comes Back!  Everyone picked her or his favorite part of The Cat in the Hat to share.  Some drew pictures.

Some created objects from the book.

Some acted out parts of the book.

Friday, January 14, 2011

MLK, Jr.

The MLK, Jr. Assembly was lovely.  In the afternoon, we read another book about Martin Luther King, Jr. and wrote about our dreams.  We also played a game called The Muffin Man to show how a message can travel from one person to many others.    

Have a nice weekend.  See you on Tuesday!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Imaginations and Artists ~ MJK, Jr.

Dressing up was very popular this morning.  It seems to always take a few days for everyone to jump in, and when they do, they have so much fun!

Magnetic pictures were also popular.

We read one book about Martin Luther King, Jr.  and another about Ruby Bridges, the first child of African descent who went to a non-segregated school.  We had a good discussion about what it means to be nice and include everyone.  Tomorrow morning we have a MLK, Jr. Assembly with all three divisions.  The K students will sit with their senior buddies during the assembly.