Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last Day!

It is our last full day of school.  Here is what we did:
- Assembly - ask your KC kid about the flash mob.  :)
- Cleaned the room 
- P.E.
- Practiced for tomorrow's performance
- Free time at Lexia
- Recess
- Closing Circle
Performance is at 8:30 in the gym.  School is dismissed from the classroom immediately following the performance - around 9:30.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Table Top with Games ~ Summer Lists ~ Seniors ~ Playing Outdoors

Table Tops

We read this book and wrote lists of what we want to do this summer.

Some seniors came to our class to tell about their trip to China.

We played outside at the end of the day!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Taylor! ~ Math Table Tops ~ Class Picture ~ Our Year

Happy Birthday, Taylor!!

The math area was open for Table Tops.

We finally had everyone here and it wasn't raining, so we took our final class picture.  The final page for your child's scrapbook is coming home today.

We wrote a book about kindergarten for the next group of KC kids.  We used photos to illustrate the book.  We have calendar in kindergarten. 

We take P.E.

We water plants.

We tell our teachers how we are going home each day.

We have a daily schedule.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cookie Soup!

We read Stone Soup yesterday and Cookie Soup today.  The class decided that cookie soup sounded better than stone soup.  Here is the onion crew cutting onions for the soup.

Broccoli and Cauliflower


Corn, Green Beans, and Garlic

The cookie is floating at the top.  The soup is ready to cook.

The soup was delicious.  People came from near and far (or from down the hall) to see what was cooking in our room. 

Who would have thought that we got such delicious soup from one cookie!  :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Talent Show

Thank you!!

The class wanted to thank Mrs. Bruggeman for being our room mother this year.  The class decided to make her cupcakes and put on a talent show.  We taped the show and will try to post it later tonight, so please check back.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Musical Assembly ~ 4th Grade Buddies

After Assembly, we played with our 4th grade buddies.  We were thrilled to have a nice morning, so we went out to the playground to play.  The LS Strings performed at Assembly.  Ask your KC kid who the villain was!

Additional pictures from today are posted in KC Photos.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Camping in KC

We went camping today.

Our Tent

Our "Campfire"

Morning Meeting

Journal Writing

A Camping Necessity - Gorp

Making collages of what we would take camping.

We read this book while sitting outside and looking at the clouds. 

Everyone looked at the clouds and shared what he or she saw.

We made our own Spilt Milk pictures and wrote about them.

We rested in the tent.  The girls had the first turn, and then the boys went next.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Adeti ~ Table Tops ~ Measuring Fun

Happy Birthday, Adeti!

Having a Restaurant

Cool Coloring Pages


Watering the Plants


While Mrs. Korda and Mr. Connick measured how much everyone grew this year (from 1/2 in to 1 in), the class measured each other.

Measuring the Board

A compilation of math pages came home today.  We can't believe that there are only 7 full days and the performance left this year.  Yikes!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pre-K Play ~ Strings Concert

We had a busy day that included a few extras.  We went to the Pre-K play this morning, went outside in Science, said good-bye to the baby chicks, enjoyed a strings concert, and ran around during an extra recess.

We look forward to seeing you at conferences!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wolves & Sheep ~ Math ~ Class Story

We read a very fun book about a few wolves trying to infiltrate a flock of sheep.

We made masks to act out the story.




We worked on math sentences.

We played a math game called Clear the Board.  Ask your KC kid how we determined the winner.  It wasn't necessarily the person with the most cubes.

Math Patterns

We wrote a story at the end of the day.  Everyone brought home a copy of the story.