Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Averie ~ China Info ~ Star of the Week

Happy Birthday to Averie!

The class wrote down what they know about China, and we sorted the information into categories.

Their China information is now posted on our back cupboards.  Check it out when you come in.

We learned that Katherine would like to be a ballerina.  Her favorite food is a cupcake.  She is excited about Christmas. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Robert!

We celebrated Robert's birthday today.
The worked with the letters W & X, and we read some interesting books about a snake that eats laundry!!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgivings Festivities

We drew what we will eat or hope to eat at Thanksgiving.


We made a pocket and decorated it using a Native American picture dictionary.

Corn Patterns

We are playing a game that the pilgrims might have played.

We are building the Mayflower with fruit.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cooking ~ Science ~ Calendar Pattern

We made our food for the K feast.  We made cranberry relish and cranberry muffins.  We will share our goodies tomorrow with the rest of the K classes.

Making Cranberry Relish

We had a very busy day!

Ask about our healthy food in Science.

Growing Pattern

Friday, November 19, 2010

Making Turkeys ~ Symmetry

We read a few more Thanksgiving books and then made turkeys by tracing our hands.

The turkeys are hanging in the room.  They are all different and all wonderful.

We made symmetrical pictures using pattern block stickers.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

4th Grade Buddies ~ 'at' Family ~ I'm Thankful...

We played a game with our 4th grade buddies.

Check out all the pictures on KC Photos.

This is the game that the 4th graders brought to play.

We are working on the at family.  These hats full of at words are coming home today and tomorrow.

We are thankful for many things.  These books are coming home today.

We shared our Thankful books with each other.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I forgot!

Yikes!  I forgot to post today.  It was my first day of carpool duty, and then I immediately went to a meeting.  Sorry!

We read a few Thanksgiving stories, wrote about what we are going to do over the Thanksgiving break, practiced handwriting, played Lexia, and played outside with the other K classes.

We see our 4th grade buddies tomorrow.  That's always exciting.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Estimating ~ Last Day of Farms ~ Math Games

The class estimated and then counted the hair bands that Shikhara put in the estimation jar.  There were 161.

Today was our last day studying farms.  We reviewed what we knew before the unit and then added more to show what we learned.  We added more pictures to all of the categories, but we especially added more to the crops, farm machines, and buildings.

We played Build A City in math.

We also worked on symmetry in math.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Star of the Week Shikhara ~ Opposite Day

Shikhara is our Star of the Week.  She wants to be a dentist when she grows up.  Her favorite book is Beauty and the Beast.  She is excited to go to India to meet her cousins.  She likes to play outside and also dance to loud music.

We made an opposite flip book.

The class acted out opposites.  See if you can tell what opposites we did.